Balance + Blossom 1-on-1 Coaching

With one-on-one attention, this coaching option is designed to provide you with the focused guidance and support needed to navigate the nuances of your unique homesteading journey. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to expand your homesteading skills, our sessions will guide you toward achieving your dreams with clarity and confidence.

In our session, we will:

  • Craft strategies that reflect your values and passions.
  • Find practical ways to integrate your aspirations into your current life.
  • Simplify the plan to overcome overwhelm.
  • Learn that thing you’ve always wanted to learn.
  • Develop focused energy to propel you forward.
  • Transform your homestead dreams into actionable plans.

After our session, you will receive:

  • A clear road map for your unique path delivered within 48 hours.
  • Resources, information, and ideas for your next steps.

*The price is for one session. Be mindful that I am on EST when scheduling, but I am fairly flexible. After purchasing, you will receive a Calendly link in your email to book your session. If you are concerned about scheduling, feel free to email [email protected] and we will make sure we work it out*

Let’s make your homesteading
Plans customized

I’ve Done the Research For You and Found What Works.

Hey friend. I’m Brittany.

Crunchy mom and modern suburban homesteader. I’ve been down the road of trying to learn all the homesteady things… I took all the courses, bought every Instagram bundle of information… bought a canner, a grain mill, a dehydrator, and more… and then I hit the burnout wall.

I’ve Been There. No Shame.

Attempting to master every internet-suggested skill all at once led to a lot of wasted time and, let’s be honest, quite a bit of wasted money. But it doesn’t have to be like that! I’ve found a better way.

Let’s Make a Plan

As a Modern Suburban Homestead Coach, I am here to guide you on a journey tailored to your unique life and needs. My coaching is a blend of relatable understanding (hello, busy mom here!) and practical, actionable steps. Together, we will explore your values, vision, and passions to create a homesteading life that feels authentic and achievable.

mom using laptop with two toddlers on her lap


Balance and Blossom Coaching Roadmap

With 1-on-1 coaching, I will assess your needs and create your custom roadmap to give you step-by-step guidance on how to make your unique homestead dreams a reality. Just imagine having exactly the steps to move forward to make these big goals a reality. I’m excited to show you the way!

Balance + BLOSSOM

$97 $47

By purchasing below, you agree to all these legal things I have to say (click to read). Upon booking, you will receive a Calendly link via email to schedule your session. Yay! I am so excited to work with you!

Book Now

FAQs About 1-on-1 Coaching

  • Anyone clueless about where they should even start homesteading.
  • Anyone having a hard time finding the time to learn all of the homesteading skills in their busy life.
  • Anyone looking for a community of modern homesteaders who are cool with not fitting into the homesteading Instagram mold.

If you do not feel overwhelmed by all of your homestead tasks, these coaching calls probably aren’t for you.

Nope! We will be working on your custom plan together. Just for you. I will make sure you walk away with your action plan and you feel set up for homesteading success.

Oh girl. We are going to get SO personal! The more information you give me about your schedule, your hardest problems, and your biggest dreams, the better I can create your custom roadmap.

Hi Friend! I’m Brittany.

I am so excited to work on this journey with you where we will set you up to implement all of your homestead dreams in a way that feels manageable, steady, and fun! I am confident that you can do all of the things you desire. Together we will set you up to take ownership of your time and set your unique goals into action.

Connect with me

Follow my homestead journey up close and personal. Join me on social media to see behind the scenes and to connect and chat!