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30 Gifts for Beginner Herbalists: A Wellness Gift Guide

Are you just starting to dive into the world of natural wellness? Are you looking to grow your home apothecary? These 30 gifts for beginner herbalists encompass everything you need to get started on your herbalism journey.

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What is Herbal Wellness?

According to Johns Hopkins, herbal supplements are, “Products made from botanicals, or plants, that are used to treat diseases or to maintain health are called herbal products, botanical products, or phytomedicines. ” They explain that many prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines also contain powerful plant medicines.

When talking about herbal wellness, we are usually talking about plants in their pure and natural form used to prevent or treat medical issues. Always consult your doctor about your symptoms and before starting any kind of herbal medicine (especially since they can interact with any other medications you might be taking).

In our house, we believe in a mix of traditional herbal medicine for prevention and common ailments, but prefer to rely on the professionals and modern medicine for the more serious stuff.

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When moving to natural wellness, many people start with essential oils, and forget about using the herbs themselves. Using whole herbs is more sustainable, cheaper, and some would argue, more beneficial than using essential oils.

Did you know it takes 2000lbs of cypress to make 1lb of cypress essential oil? I actually didn’t until I came across an article from Common Sense Home. She dives into the differences between using whole herbs and essential oils on her blog.

Essential oils require a very large amount of crop to create a very potent product. The oils are usually made from just one part or a few parts of the plant, a.k.a. the plant “essence”. Essential oils can be very strong, sometimes even stronger and more anti-bacterial than the “drugs” you might be trying to avoid.

I am not against essential oils, I just think it is important to truly know what you are bringing into your household.

Using whole herbs for wellness contains the whole plant, which can have added benefits. By nature, different parts of the plants contain different constituents that help make the benefits more readily available in our bodies.

For example, we all know we need Vitamin D in order to absorb Calcium. The same goes for plants. We often need the entire plant for our body to be able to digest and absorb the benefits.

Overall, I think that starting with whole herbs is the safest and best way to start your natural wellness journey.

As a beginner herbalist myself, I am no expert. These gifts for beginner herbalists are simply recommendations of herbal wellness items that I personally use, love, or have on my wish list (Santa, can you hear me?).

Gifts for Beginner Herbalists

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For any beginner herbalist, the price of herbs can really add up! The cheapest way to obtain herbs is through sustainable and ethical foraging, but sometimes that is not possible due to weather, region, or skill level. When buying dried herbs, it is important to purchase from a store with ethical and sustainable harvesting practices.

My favorite companies for herbs are Frontier Co-Op, Starwest Botanicals, and Mountain Rose Herbs.

Here is a list of my favorite herbs and herb blends that would be useful for any beginner.

Frontier Organic Elderberry Blend

This is one of my favorite blends for quick and easy to make elderberry syrup! It’s cheaper than buying a ton of herbs separately if you don’t already have them on hand.

Starwest Botanicals Ashwagandha Root

Ashwagandha isn’t for everyone, but it truly helped me on my anxiety journey. It can be great to reduce cortisol levels.

Choosing herbs can be overwhelming. I am not a medical expert, but if you would like any recommendations, feel free to contact me and I can try to point you to the right resources.

Wildcrafting Supplies

If you or your gift recipient would rather forage for herbs in the wild instead of purchasing dried herbs, well… you probably don’t actually need anything at all if I am being honest. But the right tools can really help (and make you look extra crunchy).

hand cutting herbs with small pruning shears

    Small Pruning Shears

    These small pruning sheers (aka herb snips) are my ultimate favorite tool for grabbing herbs from the garden in small quantifies as I snip them to add to meals all summer long.

    Barebones Harvesting and Gathering Bag

    Did I mention I love a good fashion item? Foraging with fashion is one of my favorite activities and this bag is sure to be a hit among herbalists, beginner or advanced!

    Herbal Medicine Making Supplies

    After amassing a plethora of new herbs (trust me, us beginner herbalists can go a little nuts!), the herbs can be used to make medicines, tinctures, salves, balms, butters, and more.

    Herbal Wellness Books

    The world of herbal medicine can be very overwhelming, and honestly, kind of scary! Slowly learn about your favorite herbs and introduce them into your home apothecary little by little to reduce the information overload.

    These are just a few of my favorite beginner books. Most just brush the surface of herbalism. Once you choose a few herbs that you think are right for you and your family, you can do a deeper dive into those specific herbs.


    Tea is one of the gifts I think you could gift anyone, even if they are not an herbal enthusiast. Herbal teas are usually caffeine-free and can provide many health benefits while also tasting delish!


    The Herbal Academy has courses to fit any budget or interest. If you aren’t sure what your recipient would be interested in, they also offer gift certificates.

    If you are a new mama or are a mama looking to move toward more natural at-home care, The Wild Mother’s Medicine Chest is a great course to begin learning how to take care of your family. I do want to mention that the course host interviews several guests that have beliefs and teachings that do not align with my own. I feel that learning herbal wellness requires many sources so you can gather all the information you need to do what is right for your family.

    Bonus Gift Ideas

    I wanted to throw in a few extra fun, non-practical gifts into the mix.

    I hope you love all of these gifts for beginner herbalists! Did I mention some of them are still on my own wish list Santa? Pssst… Santa?

    Still need more ideas for gifts for beginner herbalists?

    For a much more comprehensive guide for Expert Herbalists, check out Sajah Popham’s Ultimate Gift Guide for Herbalists.

    If you are looking for herbal crafted gift ideas to make and give away, check out Mountain Rose Herbs DIY Gift Guide.

    Looking for more general homesteading gifts? I’ve got you covered right here on The Homestead Challenge!

    Pin Gifts for Beginner Herbalists for Later!

    30 gifts for herbalists

    All content and information on this website including our programs, products and/or services is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute medical, psychological or health advice of any kind and we do not warrant that the information presented herein is free of any errors or omissions. We are not providing medical, health care, nutrition therapy or coaching services to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any kind of physical ailment, mental or medical condition.  A professional-client relationship with you is only formed after we have expressly entered into a written agreement with you that you have signed including our fee structure and other terms to work with you in a specific matter.

    Although we strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in the medical and health area for your particular needs and circumstances prior to making any medical or health related decisions. For your health related questions, please seek the advice of a licensed physician or any other qualified health care provider immediately.

    About the Author:

    I’m Brittany, totally modern and mainstream turned crunchy mama!

    Read more here about how I went from a totally incompetent cook and hyper-consumer to striving to live a more meaningful life from scratch.

    I can’t wait to share my modern homesteading journey with you and I hope I inspire you to join along!


    1. yes!!! I would absolutely be thrilled to receive any of these as a gift. Which is odd because I 100% doubt anyone would ever think to buy me this stuff. Great list I will have to share it with my family members as a strong hint! lol

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