
Best Beginner Homesteading Podcasts in 2025

The best homesteading podcasts to learn to homestead today! Updated with my favorites for 2025!

Are you looking to start your homesteading journey and live a better life right now? Perhaps you have already started but would like to gain some extra motivation to keep you headed toward the homestead life of your dreams.

Why should I listen to homesteading podcasts?

With small kids at home, podcasts are my favorite source for learning and inspiration. I sadly don’t always have the time to read, so listening to a homestead podcast while doing dishes or driving keeps me motivated and learning even when life gets busy. I’ve become a bit of a podcast junkie and tend to use podcasts as the main source of my news and education in this phase of life.

I still love to watch YouTube videos, but I find the video aspect makes them more distracting for me. I can multitask while listening to a podcast without having to stop and watch.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, don’t get overwhelmed with all that there is to learn in the world of homesteading! It is so easy to get burned out if you try to learn everything at once. My best advice is to decide where you want to begin your journey and start mastering what you are most passionate about.

Where can I listen to homesteading podcasts?

Apple Podcasts and Spotify (my personal favorite) are the most popular places to listen to these homesteading podcasts. Amazon Music is also a great option if you are looking to easily listen from an Alexa device.

The Best Podcasts in Different Homesteading Categories

Once you decide where to begin, feel free to jump to the category that best suits your interests. These are my choices for the best homesteading podcasts for each category.

Jump to: Homesteading Basics | From-Scratch Cooking | Natural and Sustainable Living | Gardening and Herbs | Lifestyle | Natural Birth

Disclaimer: There are so many amazing homesteading podcasts on air and what might be my favorite, might not be your style! That’s okay! Hopefully you find a new favorite show from the list below and can start a new avenue for learning to homestead this year. If you have any other favorites that I missed, please leave them in the comments so others can check them out too!

Homesteading Basics Podcasts


If you are not totally sure where to begin your homesteading still, that is okay! I consider the following podcasts to be a wealth of information from some of the best voices in the industry on a variety of topics.


The Homestead Challenge

the homestead challenge podcast cover art

Yes, this one is by ME! Do you feel like you never have time to cook from scratch the way you want to? Tried diving into the homesteading lifestyle only to end up feeling burnt out? Maybe you’re not even sure where to start. Are you ready to navigate the world of homesteading in a way that suits your modern life? In this podcast, you will find modern and practical solutions for your suburban homestead. I’m here to dish out quick and straightforward homesteading tips and home management systems, all geared towards intentional living and finding contentment.

My favorite episode

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Pantry Chat

The Homesteading Family has an excellent podcast where Carolyn and Josh teach traditional skill sets and self sufficiency. I think they are great for inspiration on practical homesteading on a budget and learning basic self reliance through homesteading. They are also deeply networked in the homesteading community and often interview other gardeners and homesteaders who are experts in the field.

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Old Fashioned on Purpose

Jill Winger explores many basics of homesteading and farm life. She mainly focuses on living a simple life with a big family and the importance of food and how its grown and raised. Other topics include organic agriculture and a variety of food preservation methods. She also interviews many seasoned farmers and homesteading experts to pass down their knowledge and experience.

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From-Scratch Cooking Podcasts

cinnamon buns

Many homesteaders begin their journey when seeking for clean ingredients and from-scratch recipes. While it may seem silly to “listen” to advice about food, the following podcasts do a great job at mixing information and entertainment to talk about food.


Ancestral Kitchen

ancestral kitchen podcast art

The Ancestral Kitchen is hosted by Alison, a European town-dweller and Andrea, living on a newly-created family farm in northwest Washington state is all about cooking an ancestral, traditional diet in a modern world. The two ladies lead completely different lifestyles yet share their love for from-scratch cooking with the best quality ingredients. I find it convicting, but not in a stressful, obsessing about food kind of way.

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The Splendid Table

the splendid table podcast art

The Splendid Table started off as an NPR segment and has grown into a full blown podcast. While not all about from-scratch cooking, it is great for anyone who has a love of all things food, mixed with people and culture. They often bring on famous chefs to chat about current events in the food world.

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Natural and Sustainable Living Podcasts

non toxic living supplies

If you are looking to live a more sustainable lifestyle, the following podcasts will help you learn about interjecting natural living and sustainability in all aspects of your life.


Simple Farmhouse Life

simple farmhouse life podcast art

The Simple Farmhouse Life Podcast is a personal favorite. While Lisa from Farmhouse on Boone’s blog mainly focuses on from-scratch cooking, her podcast dives into the world of natural living. I love Lisa’s no fuss approach to interviews and asking clear questions to get listeners the most practical tips for simple living. Most episodes revolve around raising a family in a natural and intentional way.

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Grounded Wellness

grounded wellness art

Grounded Wellness is a newer podcast hosted by Primally Pure founder, Bethany McDaniel and holistic esthetician Courtney O’Connor. I immediately fell in love with the educational content on wellness, skincare, aging, and bio-hacking. Be warned, I totally fell in love and it made me want to purchase their natural skincare products.

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Culture Apothecary

culture apothecary podcast art

Culture Apothecary sets out to heal a sick culture- physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Alex Clark is so fun to listen to and her guests provide incredible information on natural living. While I do not always agree with all of the conclusions, I find this podcast so enticing and seriously full of information you won’t find on mainstream media.

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Gardening and Herb Podcasts

Gardening podcasts are my favorite to listen to in the heart of winter when I am looking for feelings of warmth and gearing up for the season ahead. The following podcasts give incredibly informational and practical advice about working with specific herbs and plants.


The Beginner’s Garden Podcast

the beginners garden art

The Beginner’s Garden Podcast is perfect for those setting out to start vegetable gardening in order to grown your own food organically at home. Show host Jill gives easy, no nonsense tips and resources for growing specific foods, teaching you the right skills for success. You can simply search for what you are looking to learn more about and she will give you all of her best tips from being an experienced gardener. I also took her course and highly recommend it to those looking to plan a garden!

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The Plant Path

the plant path podcast art

The Plant Path is great for expert and aspiring herbalists alike. This podcast covers topics like the history and ethics of herbalism, natural medicine, and specific herbal properties. Sajah & Whitney Popham, founders of The School of Evolutionary Herbalism are experts in herbalism and astrology, leaving listeners informed and inspired to dive into herbal wellness.

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Roots and Refuge

roots and refuge podcast art

I am a long time fan of Jess Sowards of Roots & Refuge Farm. While this podcast is not updated regularly, each time it pops up with a new episode, I know I am in for a treat. Jess talks about gardening in a spiritual way and always knows how to uplift and inspire. She speaks of many lessoned learned in the garden and on the homestead and speaks to you like you’re her best friend.

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Lifestyle Podcasts


The following podcasts talk about all things home, but in a more “chatty” way. Grab a cup of coffee and feel like you are chatting with some new friends who share your homesteading interests. The following podcasts are great when you don’t necessarily need to learn anything new but want some motivation and comradery.


Homemaker Chic

homemaker chic podcast art

Homemaker Chic is probably my most listened to podcast. I think I have listened to every single podcast episode (some twice). Angela from Parisienne Farmgirl and Shay of The Elliott Homestead are best friends and speak in a way that makes you feel included in the conversation. Talking about natural living, health, home, decorating, food and more, these ladies cover every aspect of homesteading in a realistic way. In recent episodes, they began taking listener questions to cover exactly what you want to know.

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Casual Preppers

casual preppers podcast art

You don’t have to be into prepping to be a homesteader, but I know it interests a lot of you! I started getting into prepping in 2024 and I love the Casual Preppers lighthearted approach. The hosts provide comical relief on serious topics, but don’t make you feel like you have to build a bunker to be prepared for a disaster.

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Systemize Your Life

systemize your life podcast art

Systemize Your Life is not about homesteading, but about organizing any home in a way that makes sense for your life. Chelsi Jo’s systems truly changed my life as a stay at home mom so I could also find the time to work on my business and raise my babies. If you are looking for better time management and systems, Systemize Your Life is the real deal.

My favorite episode

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Natural Birth Podcasts

home birth

Yes. That’s me in the photo above. Once I began looking toward a more natural way of living, I decided to have a home birth with my second child. I feel like natural birth is intertwined into the world of homesteading so I wanted to share what I was listening to my entire last pregnancy as I prepared myself to know all I could about birth.

  • The Homebirth Midwife Podcast is a great combination of all of the topics you want to know about birth mixed with positive and inspirational birth stories. The hosts are practicing midwives and experts on natural pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.
  • Evidence Based Birth Podcast is an amazing resource for any birthing persons, regardless of how and where you plan to give birth. This podcast features a no nonsense approach to birth topics all based in well-researched facts so you can feel empowered to make your own decisions about your entire birthing experience.

Pin these Homesteading Podcasts for Later!

best homesteading podcasts for 2023

What is your opinion on the absolute Best Homesteading Podcast? Let me know in the comments!

For more homesteading inspiration, check out The Best Beginner Homesteading Blogs to Follow!

About the Author:

I’m Brittany, totally modern and mainstream turned crunchy mama!

Read more here about how I went from a totally incompetent cook and hyper-consumer to striving to live a more meaningful life from scratch.

I can’t wait to share my modern homesteading journey with you and I hope I inspire you to join along!


  1. I’m just in the beginning of my homesteading journey and oftentimes feel like I’m all over the place. Thank you for these recommendations. I found some really good ones that I saved into my library. Now I can’t wait for the kids to go to bed to start listening to them.

    One of my favourite podcasts is the “pioneering today podcast” from Melissa K. Norris.

  2. Oh.. I like Melissa K Norris too, but didn’t know she had a podcast! Thanks for all the podcast recommendations – I’m always looking for good ones to listen to. These sound great and can’t wait to dive in! ????

  3. I’m always listening to podcasts as I go about my day! Thank you for some new ideas on ones to listen to! 🙂

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